David Cameron Wants me Dead?!

I am a Secret Spy. Selling Information to the masses, Bringing the Truth that The Government doesn’t want you to hear.

Nope, if only it was as exciting as a James bond movie, where I am chased around the country, finding allies and Enemies, shooting guns and driving Fast cars and who can forget about the sexy ladies.

But the truth is far less thrilling.

My Name is Danielle Lovesey and I have been Chronically sick and disabled since I was 11 years old, I suffer from Chronic Fatigue syndrome (diagnosed 2005), fibromyalgia (2008), Organ Cysts (2004), Chronic Pain (2006), Muscular Skeletal (2015), Sever


In Hospital Nov 2015

Psoriasis including a Rare Kind (2009) all of these conditions has left me disabled and unable to function in day to day society.

And David Cameron would rather have me starve/freeze/ and receive no help, than for me to be a drain on this country Resources.

With shows like benefits street, and regular speeches and news articles, telling the masses of my evil money grabbing ways, that I sit in luxury with holidays and all you can eat buffets, whilst using my benefits as pocket money. Being told that I am a part of the perpetrators bringing this country to its current financial crisis, under the directions of the previous Labor Government’s Welfare state, and told to turn a blind eye that in fact David Cameron has been leading this country since 2010, not the Labour government. 6 years on and their cuts are deeper and crueler than ever on the people who are the most vulnerable.

I receive £125 Pounds a week for ESA, I have been rejected from having Disability Living Allowance and refused review for any other Benefit, My Reward of getting this money has been, Abusive phone calls, Health advisers treating me as a scam artist, Benefits being stopped, a Tribunal, being sent to the Job centre for work in a wheel chair, and most recently being kicked out of an Assessment office for being in a wheelchair.

I can tell you how I am luckier than most, I have a supporting Mother who cares for me, gives me a place to live, helps me Bathe, feeds me and keeps me sane.

My mother has Served as an auxiliary nurse, she had Serve


Me and my Mother.

d in the RAF and she is now a Vicar, She works a full-time Job, but gets paid Half a Stipend, We Rent out our spare bedroom and Use vouchers and Coupons, we count our pennies, and scrape together enough to survive with the help of my benefits, and still every month get incredibly stressed at how we can make it to the next pay-day.


I am not Alone in my struggle, but so many people who are disabled don’t have someone to help them through, they rely heavily on this money just to survive.

A study done on the income needed to live in the UK for 2014 was conducted to look into the bare minimum you could live on, we continue to do these studies in an attempt to see just how little someone can live off before it becomes detrimental to the health and life of the person.

Yet the people we ask to walk these thin lines of poverty are already sick and disabled and we ask them to live off of the bare minimum,

What’s worse is that we have to fight for that bare minimum, tooth and nail just to keep it balanced on this thin line.

The Income needed for someone like me needed to live. A Single Working age Person is 195.29 a Week. You may think well you get £125 a week that’s not so bad comparatively.

But let’s break down what this 195.29 Gets me.

Basic food for a week, domestic energy with minimal to no use, basic bus fare with a specific radius from home to work.


Supporting a local Campaign “Enough is Enough”

What it does not include is, Rent money to have a home which on average sits around £175-£350 Per week.


It doesn’t cover the cost of living with needs for Clothes and shoes.

It doesn’t cover a phone landline or mobile (£10 a month pay as you go mobile phone).

It doesn’t cover Internet which is a requirement in this day an age to even apply for work, as a lot of this is done now via Email and social media, but the expectation now is that you spend more on travel to a library to use free internet.

It doesn’t cover medication from the Doctors, it’s currently recorded that 1 in 4 adults in the UK are suffering with Depression and Anxiety, which currently cost’s £8.20 per Item, which will be a monthly payment,

And it certainly doesn’t cover any luxuries like holidays or visiting friends, but why should people on benefits have any fun?

The distinction between survival and Living is Vast and one people never truly understand until faced with the reality of going through it themselves.

The new cuts on Aids and assistance which happily went through the Houses of Parliment, effectively changes necessities into luxuries, a disabled person who needs a wheelchair, now finds it a luxury and has to budget for them in the little that they already receive.

10340140_10156639396610788_5985701802722151477_nA walking stick, or bars to help you in and out of the bath, or on and off the toilet, all have to be budgeted for, with savings whilst you still pay for everything else, and hiring a nurse or carer to assist you at home is impossible.

The cost of living doesn’t become cheaper as time goes on, but the cost of Dying is free, with a one-time payment for the funeral.

This has turned into a numbers game. Most people overwhelmed with staggering figures of Uk Debt and statistics on scam artists and benefit thieves.

The Media Blaring out repeats of scaremongering until it is ingrained in our very brains. 

The cost of being compassionate and helping the most vulnerable in the country is too high, a price that the current Conservative government is Not willing to pay.

I could talk about the Big business tax evasion and the Billions the UK loses out on every quarter because the currently Government lets big business run Rampant.

Or the wasteful expenditures of £3.7 Million spent on su12805891_10156638688700788_4479126852852323942_nbsidising Pints for Politicians in the house of Parliament pubs.

Or that it’s Insulting and diminutive when George Osborn sits on national Tv and tells us it’s not a big deal when £4 Billion in Cuts is about to be imposed and the largest cuts go to Welfare and benefits.

But what I want you to hear isn’t the figures of money it is just one figure. On 27 August 2015 an investigation found that 2,380 died after being found fit for work.

In one year 2,380 People Died from their food, housing, medication, heating and water being taken from them, and told to find a job.

In that one year, 365 days, 6 people a day Died unnoticed.

This still continues today, deaths go un-investigated, not recorded and not publicised, and the Cuts get deeper and more cruel.

David Cameron would rather Kill 6 people a Day and rising, in the name of Benefit Fraud that only covers 2% of Freud in the UK. 

David Cameron would Rather Kill 6 People a Day then Increase the amount of tax the people counted in the highest earning brackets pay, when they currently pay the lowest amount of tax out of all financial Brackets Leaving the poorest pay the most, and studies find that the richest are left earning the most from the disability cuts.



Me and My 1-Month-old Baby  Nephew

And David Cameron would rather I be Dead than pay me Benefits under the disguise of making a stronger Britain!


I did not choose to be unwell and Disabled. I did not choose to be unable to provide for myself and family. I don’t want a life of Hardship and suffer. I would love to work and play and live happily but instead are left with two options under this current government.

To Die or To survive and fight Everyday for my rights and wellbeing.

Thank you for Reading

Danielle Lovesey

P.s Unlike when David Cameron makes a Speech all of my points can be backed up by Real Research, Articles and personal Experience.

Income Standards 2014

1.) Income Report on standard levels of minimum income needed to live in the UK as of 2014 https://www.jrf.org.uk/report/minimum-income-standard-uk-2014

2.) a price list of averages in the UK in cost of living http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=United+Kingdom

Mental Health in the UK

1.) mental health organization of statistics of mental illness in the UK https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/statistics/mental-health-statistics-uk-and-worldwide

2.) an article on the rising worries of mental illness in the uk  http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/jun/19/anxiety-depression-office-national-statistics 

Parliment Subsidiaries for Drink and Food

1.) Article on the Bars and restaurants of the houses of parliament  http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/aug/10/parliament-bars-reastuarants-taxpayer-money-6m

2.) a Petition asking to stop the subsidiaries in the houses of parliment  https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/end-subsidised-alcohol-in-the-house-of-commons?bucket=fb3 

3.) Freedom of information act gathered menu 2013 for prices paid on all items of the many bar and restaurant menu’s http://www.parliament.uk/documents/foi/House-of-Lords-FOI/FOI-978/Menus-and-bar-tariffs-Feb-2013.pdf

4.) Freedom of information act talking about Subsidiaries for house of parliament http://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/offices/lords/freedom-of-information-in-the-house-of-lords/log/house-of-lords-foi-request-log–disclosed-information/lords-menus-and-bar-tariffs-foi-978/

Benefits cuts and Reports.

1.) Disability reports on changes and cuts to all benefits tax credits and social care systems in the UK yet to come http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/benefits-information/timetable-forthcoming-welfare-benefits-changes

2.) Article where George Osborne announces 4 Billion in cuts is no big dealhttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/george-osborne-fresh-public-spending-cuts-of-4bn-not-a-huge-amount-in-the-scheme-of-things-a6928661.html

3.) official Mortality Statistic report on the 2,380 deaths from 2014  https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/459106/mortality-statistics-esa-ib-sda.pdf

4.) Article Published about the 2,380 death toll  http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/aug/27/thousands-died-after-fit-for-work-assessment-dwp-figures

5.) Article, Disability Cuts to 200,000 people about to lose 3,000 of their benefits http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/mar/13/cuts-will-see-200000-disabled-people-lose-3000-a-year

6.) Real Figures on Fraud in the Uk including percentage of Benefit fraud http://www.cas.org.uk/features/myth-busting-real-figures-benefit-fraud

Tax in the UK

1.) Tax Researcher and Economist reported findings on who pays more tax http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2013/07/11/the-inequality-of-the-uk-tax-system/

2.) Article on Who pays more tax  http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/jun/16/british-public-wrong-rich-poor-tax-research

Article on http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/mar/12/george-osborne-to-hand-billions-to-wealthy


4 thoughts on “David Cameron Wants me Dead?!

  1. My heart is breaking for you and everyone in your position. The only consolation I can hope to offer is that some of the staunchest Tories I know are finally getting their heads out of their backsides and seeing the evil that Cameron et al are doing. Unless those people are thick enough to be duped by lies a third time around, the Tories will be out in a few years, and then I pity the government left with the job of cleaning up after them. Where there’s life, there’s hope 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank your your comment and for reading my piece on this, I do think that one day these people will be brought to justice on the inhumane treatment of the most venerable on the country, to the single mothers, children in poverty, all area’s of social care and the disabled and long term sick. But until that day it’s the pain of watching them destroy and make invisible the very protection this country had built for years to protect the most vulnerable and in need. I pity to the next elected government that has to deal with all of this.
      And thank you again the feedback and shares on this post have filled me with hope that there is unrest and people who see the cruelty in yet more cuts and yet more human rights taken from people!


  2. Dear Danielle
    I was incredibly moved by your blog. I am fortunate to have a husband who can provide for our family despite having some health issues which could quickly mean that we would be in serious financial trouble if he had an extended period off work as he is in contract employment. I know that even those in work are walking a thin line between being able to provide for themselves and their families and having to rely on benefits, which are getting more difficult to apply for.
    I care for a brother with learning difficulties and mental health issues and have fought hard to get him PIP so that he can get the help and care he needs as he lives alone but we know that this can be cut at any time and certainly when he next has a review. I have a son who despite working as hard as he can in a self employed job struggles to make ends meet to provide for his family and the little support he gets from housing benefit is gradually being reduced. My daughter and son-in-law are struggling to make the move from a one bedroom flat into a house because the house prices are so high despite both of them being a good jobs. They are having to make the decision to start a family now or wait until they can afford a bigger home as they are both in their 30s.
    Similar to your mum I am a self supporting ordained minister (deacon) so don’t get paid and I know that working full time in parish work for half the pay is not easy as a stipend is not very much anyway. Our parish has run a successful debt centre that has worked with people in great financial debt and much of this has been because people have been working and been made redundant or become ill or disabled not because they have run up lots of debt enjoying the good life. Sadly it will close next month due to lack of funding and I worry about how people in my local community will access this type of help now.
    It makes me angry that programmes such as Benefits Street and the like mainly seem to highlight people who seem to be cheating the system rather than focusing on the people the benefits cuts really hit.
    You are a wonderful and courageous young woman and I will pray that you will keep strong in faith as well as body, mind and spirit because we need people like you to tell the world how it really is because the newspaper and the news programme certainly don’t.
    God bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your comment, i feel like there are so many of us stuck in the same boat of financial crisis due to work, illness, or the lack of jobs to go around especially in the cities.
      Yet we have been taught to believe we are alone, that everyone else is an enemy or lazy (a term I hear politicians using a lot lately)
      When that isn’t the case. And a lot of the time what the cuts amount to is a very classist system like the ye ol’ days when people stayed within there class and never had the audacity to seek a better life.
      And if your born as a poor disabled person then there is no help for you.
      But we have come too far and fought for too long to go back to a system that sees survival of the fittest override are humanity and compassion for our fellow man.

      Thank you again, and I will pray for you and your family, and hope things improve.


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